This week in the studio a man who in 27 years rose from the rank of the Enlisted to become the Commanding Officer of Foxtrot , 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion, Marine Special Operations Command. On March 4th, 2007 his career took an unbelievable turn when his convoy was attacked in a complex ambush and his Marines returned fire. This is where this story goes horribly wrong, before even returning to their fire base, word had spread like wildfire, that his unit had attacked and killed numerous civilians including women and children. They became known as the MARSOC 7 and their Court of Inquiry became the longest War Crimes Trial in Marine Corp History at three and half weeks long, and introducing over forty witnesses and 5,000 pages of documentation. As hard as the government tried they could not bring this elite Warrior or the men under his watch and command down. He was victorious in the courtroom with no charges ever being filed on he or his Marines, but was it to much, along his career he was divorced twice and ultimately and unjustly turned down for for further progression in command and rank. He is here to tell the complete story and answer the question was it all worth it. I am honored to introduce you to Maj. Fred Galvin (R) United States Marine Corps
INTRO and OUTRO music written,performed, and provided by the band Rattle Root. Check them out below.
Author, A Few Bad Men
Fred Galvin served twenty-seven years in the U.S. Marine Corps, beginning as a seventeen-year-old who rose from the enlisted ranks to become an officer. Serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, and elsewhere, he led the first special operations company in the Marines and earned forty-nine military medals and ribbons, including the Bronze Star. Following his retirement, he became a business entrepreneur, nonprofit executive director aiding families of service members killed in action, and a consultant to the Marine Corps, coordinating activities in the areas of cyberspace, electronic warfare, and psychological operations.