Episode 155: Trevor Beaman “Green Beret Trauma to Triumph”

This week is an episode that so many people need to hear, my guest has served the United States Army for 24 years, with a majority of that time as a Green Beret. He has seen his share of war with multiple combat deployments, but this guest’s trauma started way back in childhood where he was the victim of abuse for almost a decade, even driving him to attempt suicide at the age of 12. My guest moved on to college and the Army thinking it would give his life purpose, only finding that he could not completely shake the demons or images from his past. There were more suicide attempts and more silent suffering, until he broke free from the past so that he could concentrate on the present and his future with his wife and children. He has undergone some incredible treatments that have given him a completely new look at life and this week he is sharing his story of Trauma to Triumph. It is my great honor to introduce you to Trevor Beaman....
INTRO and OUTRO music written,performed, and provided by the band Rattle Root. Check them out below.

Trevor A Beaman
Master Sergeant US Army
Short bio from TedxPortland:
Trevor is an active duty US Army Special Forces soldier, Green Beret, husband, and father. He is also a strong advocate for mental health and trauma awareness. Through personal stories steeped in vulnerability and determination, Trevor serves as a beacon of hope for those on a similar journey to overcome pain and heal from trauma. Ultimately, Trevor inspires others to find happiness, growth, and purpose. For his own personal healing, he connects to the energy of life through live music and the ocean.
I was born on 02 September 1980. I lived in Glenview, IL from 1988 until 1999 after graduating from High School I moved to West Lafayette, IN to attend Purdue University. I graduated in 2006 with a degree in History. In 2016 I graduated from the National Defense University with a master's in strategic studies.
I have been married since December 2009 and have two children, a daughter 9 and a son 7 and we live in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida which is in the Panhandle.
I am an avid Spearfisherman, Outdoorsman, Live Music lover and Magic: The Gathering card player.
I joined the Army reserves 08 December 2000, switched to the Indiana National Guard 151 LRSD in 2003 and stayed until April 2007 when I went on active duty to go to Special Forces (SF) selection and qualification course. I graduated from the SF Green Berets course in November 2009 and then was assigned to 3rd Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg until 2017. I was an instructor at the US Army Dive School in Key West, Florida from July 2017-October 2020… Read More