Oct. 18, 2021

Episode 75: Rick Lamb “Commando Hall of Honor”

Richard “Rick” Lamb is a retired Command Sergeant Major with over forty years of experience executing Joint, Combined, and Interagency Special Operations. He led soldiers in operations spanning the tactical level to the strategic in over forty-nine countries, across five Continents, and in six Geographic Combatant Commands. He spent more than twelve years overseas and participated in almost every major combat operation Operation EAGLE CLAW through Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. A member of the USSOCOM Commando Hall of Honor, the Ranger Hall of Fame, and the Order of Saint Maurice - Primicerius. Rick was awarded the Veterans of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Award of Excellence and the USSOCOM Arthur “Bull” Simons Award for lifetime achievement. In 2021 CSM(R) Lamb received appointment as the Honorary Sergeant Major of the Special Forces Regiment. Rick currently serves as the Director of Military Relations for The Global Special Operations Forces Foundation – a Disabled Veteran run 501(c) (3) Non-Profit and assists Lukos LLC with CONUS based SOF Training Exercises. He lives in Tampa, Florida with his wife of thirty-five years Heiran; and is the proud father of two grown children.

INTRO and OUTRO music written,performed, and provided by the band Rattle Root. Check them out below.