Katie Hernandez

Katie Hernandez Profile Photo

Tactical Athlete

"CPT Kaitlyn Hernandez has served 10 years in the United States Army. She received her active duty commission through the Army ROTC program, and branched Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). She attended SUNY Brockport in upstate New York, and graduated with a degree in Kinesiology, and a focus in Health Sciences.

CPT Hernandez deployed to Afghanistan 2018-2019. Successively, CPT Hernandez proudly served as the 717th OD CO (EOD) Commander for two years. During this time, CPT Hernandez ran a mile in a bomb suit in 10:23, at George Mason University in Virginia, USA, thus setting the new world record for the fastest woman to run a 1-mile in a bomb suit.

In her spare time, CPT Hernandez continues to work foundations that provide mental health care for veterans and their families, as well as first line responders and current military personnel.

CPT Hernandez currently works as a Professor of Military Science at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL. She has many hobbies, including fitness and shooting. This year she will debut as a rookie in the individual elite female division for the Tactical Games."

Jan. 30, 2023

Episode 130: Katie Hernandez “EOD, Extreme Athlete, World Record Hold…

This week in the studio a woman with over a decade of service in the US Army. This guest has never backed away from a challenge and is always looking for her next adventure. This guest has worked on Presidential …

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