Morgan Lerette

Morgan Lerette Profile Photo


Morgan Lerette is the Author of Guns, Girls, and Greed: I was a Blackwater Mercenary in Iraq. He joined the Air Force in 1999 and participated in the Ground Offensive in Iraq in 2003. From 2004 - 2005, he was a private military contractor (PMC) for Blackwater – the most notorious contractor in Iraq. Later he became an Army intelligence officer and served in Iraq in 2009 – 2010. Upon leaving the service he attended the Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy obtaining a Master of International Business degree in International Banking and Finance

Sept. 25, 2024

Episode 173: Morgan Lerette "Air Force/BlackWater Contractor/US Army

Welcome to Dynamic Tales Delivered. This week in the studio, the man behind the explosive memoir Guns, Girls, and Greed: I Was a Blackwater Mercenary in Iraq. his journey started in 1999 when he joined the Air Force, but it d...