Robert Plotts

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Special Forces Medic and DMT

Born and raised around the world when father was in the Air Force. Graduated with a Masters Degree in 2002 after spending a term abroad in Japan and China. Went to work in the corporate sector for companies like EagleRider Motorcycles, Nestle USA and Belkin. Enlisted in the Army with my wife in 2012 to try out for the Special Forces.

Graduated from the Q Course and went to and ODA around 2016 as an 18D. Attended many military schools to include freefall, dive school, etc. Deployed to Burkina Faso, Kenya, Somalia, Cote d'Ivoire, Afghanistan.

Wife and I are the owners of a free Crossfit Gym Ministry in Fayetteville called Refuge and Strength Fitness. We use donations to help with homeless veterans in our community.

Currently I serve as a Dive Instructor and Dive Medical Technician for the 3rd Special Forces Group Dive Locker.