Shane Healey

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I joined the Australian military in 1995 and did Commando selection in 1998, transferred across to Navy Diver / Maritime Tactical Operations in 2000 (prior to 11 Sept).

In 2004 I went to Iraq as a Military contractor were I Supported the United States DoD military operations on various projects throughout Iraq.

Initially I was an instructor on the Coalition Police Assistance Training Team (CPATT) as part of the Counter Terrorism Special Operations program in southern Iraq. In this role, I planned, implemented and instructed training courses for more than 1200 Iraqi couter terrorism police.

In November 2004, I transitioned across to the Coalition Military Assistance Training Team (CMATT) program which was part of Task Force 145 (TF Green and TF Black). My role within CMATT was to provide security and intelligence to project locations throughout Iraq. These locations and overarching project were part of Multi National Forces - Iraq new mission for the training of the new Iraqi military, which included counter insurgency operations. Some of the locations within Iraq were; Mosul, Ramadi, Fallujah, Al Kasik, Tal Afar, Balad, Al Hilla, Al Kut and the Baghdad Police Academy.

In 2009 I went back into the Australian Army as a member of the Army Special Operations where I became an AFO/HUMINT Intelligence Operator between 2010-2016.

In this role I also provided Counter-CBRNE intelligence threat support to the various Australian Special Forces.

When in Australia I was a member of the Special Operations Tactical Assault Groups intelligence functions and was focussed on the current domestic CBRNE threat. In this role I routinely liaised with both state and federal government law enforcement agencies.

I deployed several times to Afghanistan between 2010-2013 with 6 rotations of the Special Operation Task Force. I operated in Uruzgan, Helmand and Kandahar. I worked along side many US SOF units as part of SOTF-SE and was a key JPEL Targeting analyst. My targeting collection efforts enabled numerous successful targeting operations of key insurgent's leaders and disruption operations of insurgent networks.

Between July 2013 and August 2014, I was the lead intelligence analyst to both senior ADF and federal government leadership of the Middle East Area of Operations, including Australia's response to the Syrian chemical weapons attacks (Aug - Oct 2013) and both the Syrian civil war and rise of the Islamic State in Syria and the follow on invasion of northern Iraq. In this role I routinely provided intelligence update briefings to senior ADF and political stakeholders in Canberra.

Between August 2014 and March 2015 I deployed to Baghdad as part of the lead element for the ADF's contribution to Operation Inherent Resolve's Special Operations counter Islamic State operations where I operated with JSOC units and SEAL Team 5 in Baghdad. My HUMINT intelligence products were briefed at the highest levels of the coalition, including to the Commanding General of US Central Command.

I was medically discharged in September 2016.

In 2017 I joined the Department of Justice as the Senior Intelligence Analyst for the Countering Terrorism/Violent Extremism team,

In this role I provided intelligence support to senior management across Justice NSW focusing on Countering Violent Extremism. I provided Subject Matter Expert (terrorism/ CVE) reports to the courts that was used in Terrorism related cases.

I also provided Radicalisation and Extremism awareness training to over 1200 front line Juvenile Justice NSW staff, as well as other NSW government employees (including NSW Police officers).

I conduct interviews and assessments with convicted juvenile terrorism related offenders. I identifed and interview young offenders demonstrating indicators of radicalisation.

In this role I was also part of the NSW Police Force Terrorism High Risk Offenders (THRO) review commity and also liaised with the NSW Police Force Engagement Intervention (terrorism) Unit, the NSW Police Force Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit. I was also the CVE teams liaison to the NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team.

My story is in the book Find Fix Finish, the Prologue is about a "solo" operation in Afghanistan where I captured a Taliban bomb maker by myself in Uruzgan Province (which was the home of Mullah Omar and the Origins of the Taliban)

If you search Shane Healey (Terrorist Hunter) on YouTube you will see other Podcast I have done.