This week in the studio, a remarkable individual whose journey spans from the tranquil shores of Hilo, Hawaii, to the bustling streets of Los Angeles, California. His life took a pivotal turn at the tender age of 10, marking the beginning of a series of extraordinary experiences. At 18, Nicholas embarked on a new chapter, enlisting in the Army and subsequently serving with distinction for a decade.
Within the Army, Nicholas became an integral part of the esteemed 82nd Airborne and later joined the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, where he honed his skills as an Army Ranger. During six deployments, his unwavering dedication and courage earned him both a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star with Valor, testament to his commitment to duty and the sacrifices he made for his country. Currently, Nicholas is a junior at Harvard College, pursuing a degree in neuroscience with a profound mission—to advocate for non-standard forms of therapy. Amidst his academic pursuits, he has set his sights on a unique and challenging goal: becoming the first actively enrolled student in Harvard's history to summit the tallest mountain on every continent. This ambitious endeavor serves a dual purpose—raising awareness about student mental health and inspiring fellow veterans to pursue education after completing their military service. Nicholas's journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and a deep-seated desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. As he navigates the academic landscape at Harvard and scales towering peaks, his story unfolds as a beacon of inspiration and a call to action for mental health advocacy and educational pursuits post-military service.