At the age of 17, my guest embarked on an unconventional journey by enlisting in the Army as an All-Source Intel Analyst. After high school, he completed his education, earned a Bachelor's degree in Strategic Studies & Defense Analysis, and later, a Master's in Strategic Studies. In 2018, he deployed to Djibouti, where he served with the 404th Civil Affairs Battalion. Subsequently, my guests ventured to Afghanistan and later to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. These diverse deployments broadened his horizons and honed his skills. His transition to the Threat Screening Center and later to a role supporting the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency and FBI's National Joint Terrorism Task Force was marked by academic accomplishments, including the completion of his Master's Degree. In 2022, the allure of overseas service beckoned once more, leading him to Qatar to support Special Operations Command. Now, he eagerly awaits his next assignment, where he will continue to serve the Department of Defense in Northern Virginia. Beneath the surface of his professional journey lies a deep-rooted family tradition of military service and an abiding passion for literature, which eventually culminated in the writing and self publishing of numerous books beginning in 2021 and continuing to this day. Please welcome Zach James.